Friday, October 12, 2007

The 'Evidence' is Coming In...

In support of his claim that 'Jesus still heals people today', my christian colleague, Danie, has shared a few videos with me in which people are apparently healed by a faith healer. I have asked my colleague if he has a link where the videos can be downloaded, so that I can share it with you. If there is no link, I will upload the videos somewhere and let you know.

One of the 'healed' is a lady by the name of Linda Marsh. The video shows her stating that she has a heart condition. Now, I am trying to get more information on this lady, and until I know exactly that I have the correct person, everything I find might be irrelevant to this case. But I did find record of 'a' Linda March, that died of heart failure in June 2007. Out of respect I will not post the link to the official site where I got this information, in case this deceased Linda Marsh has nothing to do with this case. If however I find more substantial information on the Linda Marsh who was supposedly healed by a faith healer, I will post it here. And if it is she that is deceased because of heart failure, I will try to contact the family and ask them if I may post the URL of her obituary, in the cause of teaching innocent people and stopping those that exploit them.

To the credit of my colleague, he has admitted that the videos are insubstantial and proves nothing. I commend him for that observation. And I still await the evidence he claims exists...

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