Monday, October 8, 2007

A Faith Healing Challenge

Today, I have officially challenged a christian work colleague of mine (we are both software developers for a company called Aricent), who believes in miraculous faith healings, to proof faith healing exists and is paranormal. James Randi has kindly offered to post my colleague's reply on SWIFT. Here is a copy of the email I sent to Danie (my colleague) and James:

Hi Danie,

Idle discussion, however interresting, can only take one so far. Then proof is needed to establish if what is discussed, has any merit or not. So I have just emailed James Randi ("The Amazing Randi" -, telling him about your mention of miraculous faith healings (and in particular, the story you heard about the boy who was miraculously healed after a christian community prayed for him) when we had another one of our religion discussions this morning. I told him of my informal challenge that I put forward to you: to find scientifically sound evidence for the existence of this phenomenon. You said you are not interrested in the million dollars the James Randi Educational Foundation offers, but I am sure your church, or any organization or cause of your choice, will find the money most helpful.

So, if you are interrested in the truth, I hereby officially challenge you to present the JREF with scientifically unambiguous proof for the existence of a 'paranormal' (or 'God') cause for healings. Like I said this morning, if God does really miraculously heal people, then it should be easy for you to simply find evidence that supports this. Get the phone numbers of the the people who claim their son was miraculously healed. Phone the doctors who treated him. Obtain a statement from the doctor. That is a simple start!

James Randi has kindly offered to present your reaction to this challenge on his website. That would be wonderful exposure for any proof you may find for the existence of god. You will reach, and recruit for your god, more people that the average pastor will in a lifetime.

I want you to realise that by agreeing to undertake this study, you are either going to 1) revolutionize science with your proof, and get a million dollars, and cause many people to start having a reason to consider believing in your God, or 2) realise that your faith is built on stories and myths, and revolutionise your own way of thinking. Either way, it is good! Or, of course, 3) ignore the lack of evidence and continue to believe blindly. Which would be the worst possible response to this challenge. Of course you may choose not to accept this challenge, but that would be synonymous with (3), at least I think so. In your hands lies the opportunity to give alot of merit to your belief system.

I hope you are not offended by such an official challenge. But, from my sceptic viewpoint, I am trying to help you see the light. And, from your religious viewpoint, you now have an opportunity to make me, and thousands of other people, see the light. Just show us the supporting evidence we ask for. If miraculous healing is a real phenomenon, 'simply show us'. That is really all we ask.


Let's see how he replies.

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