Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I have always been a skeptic. But James Randi and Penn and Teller motivated me to become an active skeptic, that not only doubts woo-woo claims, but actively investigates and, if I find that they are fake, debunks them. This is nescessary since innocent, gullible people are being exploited by con-artists. Morally, we have an obligation to do what we can to stop this.

So I have decided that I will use some of my spare time and resources to be the "James Randi" of South Africa, since this is where I live. Quackery and exploitation is as alive here as it is anywhere, so I will fight it.

I have started browsing the internet and I found alot of people with 'dubious' claims. One has to start somewhere, so I rather randomly picked "Rahotep" - I will try to contact him, and try to establish if he can really "see into the past, present, and future", or if he is a lier and a swindler that takes desperate people's money.

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